Online Banking System = =...
沒想到少考慮到 joint 的部分,
結果竟然要大改,不如全部重寫 = =
到現在只弄完基本架構及 OpenAccount 跟 CloseAccount,
還有八個method要趕... 不過先把時間撥給專題吧= =a
話說明天SE的循序圖跟活動圖沒做 掰
Online Banking System = =...
沒想到少考慮到 joint 的部分,
結果竟然要大改,不如全部重寫 = =
到現在只弄完基本架構及 OpenAccount 跟 CloseAccount,
還有八個method要趕... 不過先把時間撥給專題吧= =a
話說明天SE的循序圖跟活動圖沒做 掰
Ubuntu 9.10 is so fast that set up done in 25 seconds in my laptop.
And the theme's good to look.
We can use:
1. Octave to run Matlab codes
2. Skype
3. Amarok for music( or Rythmbox for dynamic rolling lyrics )
4. Totem for videos and also PPS
6. IE for linux in Lazyscript( or firefox, opera )
7. KTorrent for P2P
8. aMSN, KMess, emesene, ... for MSN
9. OpenOffice for word, excel, powerpoint
10. Adobe reader for pdf files
11. Real Player 11 for .rm .rmvb
12. GPaint or GIMP for Paint
13. Mozilla FTP
14. Eclipse or codeblocks for compile java and C/C++ file respectively
Except playing games, why we need windows? XDDDDDDDDDDDDD"